Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Day 2

Had a great day!  I got up, a little late, but well-rested. I did my usual routine and headed to the gym. I'm not sure what made me so late other than having to put my gym bag together. Luckily I did my food the night before, but I didn't make it to the gym until almost 8am. 
Anyway, I had a great day of eating on time, UNTIL I started the 6:00pm class I teach and found that they had brought me cake and a balloon for my birthday!
Long story short, my last meal was a few apple slices with peanut butter and a piece of cake. Not perfect, but I guess I'm trying to make this a lifestyle too...so I had the cake. Is that people pleasing? Or did I not want to feel deprived? I don't know. At any rate, I seriously considered coming home and eating some of the strawberry shortcake I have in the fridge, but I didn't. It wasn't even hard. I still don't know if I made "the best" decision-I mean, I would theoretically be closer to my goal right now if I had chosen not to have cake. However, choosing not to have cake could have also made me feel resentful, angry, and deprived, and maybe I would have come home and polished off the remaining cake. 
I also know that these situations crop up ALL THE TIME where food is presented to you and you feel like you should partake...you may even be shamed/pressured into it, and I will remember that I can say no to food that's not on my plan because I'm saying YES to something bigger than a piece of cake. 

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