Sunday, October 30, 2011

Week 22 Day 7. Decent day.

I had a strange night last night. I slept until 1pm on Saturday, and that was GREAT. Then I eventually went to the gym and did my laundry, then went straight to work.

I was worried that I would have trouble falling asleep, but I totally didn't. Unfortunately I woke up at 4:30am ready to take on the world. Only, I couldn't think of something to reasonably tackle at 4:30am.

So, I got some much-needed reading done, and eventually fell back to sleep in a wonderful kind of way.

At 7am.

Which means I skipped the gym.

I crawled out of bed at 9:57am, and I was supposed to be at work at 10am.  So, I certainly didn't get to live up to my goal of always leaving my house looking my best.

Anyway, I ate well all day.  But I was on such a hurry to there, I forgot to weigh myself. I never forget that! I love my data!

Anyway, so I got to work, and immediately got some Saints' coffee. I would have been better off if I hadn't, but I turned out ok.

I ate three clean meals  despite REALLY wanting some french toast or pancakes.

I did then drink another coffee later. But I managed to say no to the donuts!

After work, I skipped the gym again. I told myself something like, "I'm tired" "It doesn't really matter if I go tonight" "I don't have time".  All of which is just my brain saying, "I don't feel like it, so I'm going to convince you it's ok."

I did, however, get some groceries and de-cluttered my room.

That felt awesome. Now I'm going to read until I fall asleep, and hit the gym before work in the morning!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Week 22, Day 6. Getting back in my routine.

I slept until 1pm today. It was  great and I needed it. I just wasn't prepared for how much I would want to CONTINUE laying around after I woke up.

I finally, after making breakfast and sipping my tea, AND reading my book, I finally decided to get my ass to the gym. I REALLY DIDN'T WANT TO.

I also had to do my laundry, and I REALLY DIDN'T WANT TO.

But, I knew I just had to get the ball rolling, as Amy would say.

The summary is that I ate clean all day long, with the exception of getting coffee before work, and I did 20 pops...quality pops! I could even still run at 9mph!

Tomorrow my goal is to get to the gym before breakfast, eat clean all day, and be in bed by 9:30am.

I've got an early morning monday, and I want to get back into working out before breakfast.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Week 22, Day 5. I've been a bad bad girl.

I forgot how much it sucks to be honest about your weight loss efforts when you're not making much of an effort.

Here was my day.

I didn't get up and go to the gym. I was exhausted. Amy gave me a plan that I could have used to get 20 minutes of exercise in, but as it turned out, I didn't even have enough time to put my make up on and do my hair for work, which is important.

At the conference I went to, they stressed how important it is that every time you leave your house, you look your very best.

This is not something I've  mastered, in fact, I almost never do my hair and make up any more, because there are a  thousand other things I'd rather be doing.  Plus the feminist in me says "Guys aren't wasting their life doing their hair and make up. This is a conspiracy, and I won't be fooled!"

So, my point is, I was very disappointed when my one day streak of following this advice was over. Better luck tomorrow. started out hectic after I got out of bed at 8am. Barrier had enough time to cook and get ready for work, THEN my car was covered with frost, and I was almost late to work, which would have been very bad, so I was more stressed.  I really wanted coffee, but I ran out time for that too.

As I sat at my desk, it occurred to me that I was REALLY tired. By the end of my first meeting I was ready to dive face-first into fat and sugar.

But, I couldn't because I had to wait for other people to cover the office. That was at 11:30am.  Now, I had my food. I could have cooked it and are it.

Did I?


I waited until 1:30 or so, when we had coverage, and matched right to the Indian restaurant and ate the buffet. White rice, naan, paneer, butter chicken, etc.

Then I went to Dunkin Donuts and got coffee with CREAM AND SUGAR and 3 donuts. Two old-fashioneds (the extra one was a mistake, but I ate it anyway) and a bavarian cream-filled.

I forgot to mention that I had developed a pretty raging headache by 11am that I couldn't shake. This didn't help.

I went back to the office and  as you can imagine, had a food coma for the rest of the day. I couldn't IMAGINE working at Green Bowl all night. 

But I did.

And I ate there too, at about 8pm.  I had noodles and vegetables and 4 different scoops of sauce including sesame oil. I just didn't care!

As Mel Robbins would say, "I simply did what I felt like doing." And what I felt like doing was apparently sabotaging my weight loss, because after work, at 10:30pm, I went to Kiwi!

I have NEVER had such a day.

I think two key things are:
1) Get enough rest.
2) Do not let work stress derail my plan for the day.

I can only hope that my coach doesn't disown me for this.

Tonight, I'm going to get rested.  There was at least one night in the recent past that I only got 3 hours of sleep...come to think of it, there were 3 nights in a row.

Maybe it's just catching up with me, because I can't remember a time that was quite that bad.

My first priority is to rest. My second priority is to workout.  My third priority is to eat clean tomorrow.

Maybe treat today like a cheat day. Although, it wasn't cheating, it was totally self-medicating with food.

I will have to talk with Amy to see how to get thought work stress, but blogging definitely helps. I mean, just now, I have reviewed my day, and in so doing, I have de-stressed and looked for ways to be more successful.

Looks like blogging will become a daily thing again.
Maybe I will also revisit my goals.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Week 22, Day 4.

So, I can't believe it's been a month since Amy put me on my 2 a day workouts!

I've really lost my focus. For the past 6 days I've just disregarded my diet and workouts.

Oh no.

I just realized that the reason I'm not gaining anything pounds wise us because I'm sure I'm losing muscle mass.


But, I've made the decision to get back on track, no matter how I feel, no matter how stressed out I am, no matter what.

I am still around 130-131, but I REALLY need to respect my diet and workout schedule. 

Tomorrow, I will eat clean.  I would like to work out too, so I will have to get up at 7am to get to the gym and then I can make my breakfast at work. I definitely need to lift some weights and do some serious cardio.

And, I will have to start blogging more regularly to keep myself accountable.
