Monday, January 7, 2013

Day 7 again!

I started my blog 8 days ago, but I'm on Day 7 in Jamie Eason's Live Fit program, so I am just going to call it all Day 7 and stop confusing myself! I had a killer day today. Ate clean like a CHAMP! I'm not even drinking my protein shake anymore bc it's processed and unless I'm in a pinch, I don't need it.
The effects of being on this diet and working out like this are incredible. My stress level is lower, my energy and attention are higher and I just feel AMAZING!
Today, I did two workouts because I am trying to maximize the fat burn from eating a cheat meal yesterday. My first workout was...I effing killed it. I did ten pops on a stair mill, and my legs got so tired, and I got so winded, but I wanted to WORK IT! So I did.
But then, this afternoon, I was at an incredibly high level of anxiety...actually, all day had been building up to it. I kept having a sense that something was wrong or was going to be wrong, and it was going to be my fault. At 3pm, I convinced myself that there was something terrible going on, and I was about to find out about it. There was nothing. I even interpreted events incorrectly to make this thing seem true. This is what free-floating anxiety will do to you.
But I'm managing. I noticed that I was in fear, so I knew it was probably my inner critic, so I tried to counter my inner critic's message. It worked in waves.
The end result was that I was exhausted. But, it also meant I HAD to go to class to work out all the poisonous energy I had been carrying around.
So I did. During the class, I really wanted to wimp out several times. At first, I thought, "you already had a killer workout this morning, it doesn't matter if you scale it back a little bit."
However, that is also my inner critic, goading me to quit so that it can then tell me I never finish anything! Well, that wasn't how this story ended today.
I reminded myself that I am responsible for my transformation. That felt powerful, and I finished that class strong.
I'm ready for tomorrow!

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