Saturday, January 26, 2013

Day 26. Great day!

It's 8:30pm on a Saturday and I'm in bed because I need the sleep! I had a great day today. Yoga was fantastic, definitely pushed my comfort level. At times, sweat was falling out of my pores! I would say pouring sweat, but that saves you from the visual of me doing down dog with sweat running from my chest down my neck and dripping off from my nose, chin, and cheekbones. Get the picture?
It was a great core workout. I hope I feel it tomorrow.
I also managed to fit my lifting in today after yoga, something I've never done before. I was so excited to see Amy at the gym Sat morning-I dont usually, and i really wanted to point at my belly across the gym to say, OMG LOOK HOW MUCH FAT I BURNT FROM HERE!!! However, attention whore that I may be, I didn't want to draw attention to my belly fat. I do have to say though, it is INCREDIBLE how fast I am burning this fat this time. You know, people say it takes 21 days to create a habit, but that has not been my experience. The first time around, I wasn't ready or willing (or something) to control my portions or HOW MUCH I cheated. This time, which is probably the fourth honest effort I've made, I've mentally prepared myself, and I'm seeing the results. It's just that it is a process. It has taken me over a year and a half to establish some new habits, and I feel like that's a realistic timeframe for a lifestyle change. Anyway, didn't matter that I didn't flag Amy down because of course she noticed anyway. This is all so exciting!!!
My reward today was finally getting my hair cut at Designers Den. I've had a gift card forever, but they do not expire...yet when I went to pay, it didn't work. I had a feeling that would happen, but hopefully it will all get sorted out.
Anyway, the rest of the day was relaxing except for Wegman's. Why is Wegman's always a MADHOUSE!?!? Why can't they make their aisles easier to navigate?!? I may or may not have lost my patience a time or two and buzzed right through a bunch of Sunday drivers, who were blocking the way, making no discernible decisions, hanging around. Seriously, a grocery store is not where i hang out. I've got shit to do, folks. Move it or lose it.
Ok end rant. I probably should not go to Wegman's at 1pm on Saturday anymore. I turn pretty hostile, impatient, and intolerant. It's stressing me out just thinking about it.
After that I got to relax and debrief with my friend all afternoon. That's always a welcome treat. But by 6pm, I was worn out. Yoga usually does that to me.
So, I came home, did a few things for myself, and now I'm ready for Breaking Bad and bed. I might be developing a cold sore, so I definitely need the sleep!
Hosted by Maybelle, who is doing her thing she does: she likes to reach out and just touch me with one paw while she falls asleep. Lol makes me smile.

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