Saturday, January 19, 2013

Day 19. It's late, busy day.

Today is Saturday and that means yoga. Nothing got in my way, and I went to class fed and partially rehydrated from my very dry apartment. I definitely met my goal of holding a shake longer than I thought I could. I was super proud of how I did.
I knew that later on in the day, I would need to do a shoulder/abs workout, but I was a little concerned because my chest and legs are still sore, and I didn't know if I was approaching over-training from lifting every single day for over two weeks.
I wasn't sure, so I asked Amy...who told me listen to my body, and that it was ok to take a day off. Ironically, that permission all of a sudden CHANGED my mind about whether or not I needed a day off. Suddenly, I felt like my body could handle it.
However, at 4:30pm, I was offered a shift at Green Bowl, and considering the fact that I just spend $100 on groceries for the WEEK, and just bought a new pair of headphones (thanks to Maybelle), the smartest thing I could do was take the shift. So, I ended up not lifting after all.
Tomorrow I will have to mix up getting my shoulders worked and practice a phase 3 workout.
Anyway, I'm doing great on this plan, I'm eating like a machine and I'm burning fat like a torch. I finally understand the thing I've heard a hundred times, "When I started lifting weights, the fat just melted away." You betcha.
Well it's super late and I wanna watch Breaking Bad, so good night!

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