Thursday, January 17, 2013

Day 17-highlight=triceps

I've had another really long day, and in it I met someone who has come so far overcome so much, and achieved things that I would have thought impossible for myself. I was truly humbled to hear her story. I also opened up to MORE questions about what is possible.
That made me wonder, "is all of this effort just superficial? I mean, I care about my triceps and this woman is changing the world."
Then I realized that my inner critic had come out to play. It always wants to dash my hopes. First, it will say it's not possible, then when I realize it IS possible,
It just changes tactics and argues that it's not a worth while goal.
So, eff off inner critic. I'm doing this.
I've thought for a long time that in order to achieve my ultimate dreams, this step must come first: the step of mastering myself, or rather the process, since it is hardly a step. Plus, I do EVERYTHING better when I am following this plan and working out on a schedule. I am more disciplined, make better use of my time, and foresee problems ahead of time.
So lets celebrate these triceps with a pic, and then I'm going to bed!

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