Friday, July 19, 2013

Week 3 Day 5

I forgot to blog yesterday!
It was so late by the time I got home that I could barely manage my abbreviated  "it's what you do every that counts" routine: shower, brush/floss teeth, affirmations. The extended list includes doing the dishes and unpacking and repackage my bags for the next day, but I've been skipping that. It really only helps me in the moment. Invariably I regret it the next day. 
Anyway, I had a KILLER FRIDAY today!  I don't know if maybe it was because I took the time to meditate for 10 minutes before I got ready for the day, but everything just got me GOING today. 
First, doing my morning pages, I churned out a list of things I needed and wanted to do. But what really shocked me was that WITHOUT super pump, I absolutely murdered my leg workout. I don't even know what got into me. Instead if just getting through it, I decided to tackle it. I'm sure my legs are going to feel it tomorrow. I'm already creating expectations and fears about what yoga is going to be like. I didn't stretch even. I'm probably going to get Charlie horses in my glutes and calves. That'll be just great, I'll fall down and just pulse in the throes of Charlie horses. Ok. So, that's probably not going to happen because I'll come out of the pose before I have an embarrassing episode like that. 
At any rate, it's 9:22pm and I'm in bed. That's new!
I'm so excited because I'm heading into this weekend with my chicken cooked for the next five days and fish for the next three. That's really as far out as I like to cook anyway. Oh, AND most of my laundry is clean and most of the dishes are done. I'm babysitting a 3 month old tomorrow, and I might be able to spend time with horses! 
Anyway. I should really get to sleep. Or. Take advantage of this time and read a book!

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