Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Day 30, Week 5. The Start of Phase 2.

I have a goal tonight of being asleep by 9:30pm.  Seeing as it's 9:17pm, I better hurry the hell up.
Long day today.  Kicked it off with lifting and a half-hour of running on a treadmill and panting and snorking water like...I don't know...a really awkward girl next to a cute guy.  Whatever.  I owned it.  Ha.  No.  No I didn't.  But I DID IT!  And, it totally kicked my ass so hard I can't even believe it.  I only ran at 5.5mph, then 5.0.  I guess I haven't run for a half hour in a long time though.
My main issue today is that for some reason after meal #3 (well, my meals get much smaller, first of all), I am super hungry...so from about 4pm on, it's all I can do to just NOT EAT the food that is in front of me.  Tonight, I was sitting in front of lemon bars and some cranberry-apple crisp concoction from Trader Joe's.  I know hunger is part of the equation here...duh, that's how you burn fat.  But, when you let yourself get too hungry for too long, well, that's how you hang onto fat.  So.  I'm trying to figure out where I stand on that.
In other news, I got murderously angry around 5pm when I couldn't find the material I KNEW I DIDN'T LOSE, and came swiftly to the conclusion that someone else took it without my knowledge or permission.  Then I found it, buried under a stack of papers.  I really gotta stop looking outside myself for people to blame.

Speaking of which, I gotta hit the sack, or I'll find someone to blame.  :)

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