Thursday, January 24, 2013

Day 24! Another dollar another day.

I can't believe another week is almost over.  I'm so proud of myself for making it through Amy's class last night and getting some much needed sleep.  I got up at 6am today, which is not typical.  I normally get out of bed at 5:00-5:30am, but last night I slept funny.  I was exhausted, and fell asleep probably by 10pm, only to wake up 20 minutes later, feeling rested.  I went back to sleep and woke up again at 1:30am.  Again, thinking that it was time to get up.  Then, when my alarm went off at 5am, it was the most unwelcome sound in the world.  I don't know what that was about, but I was glad I could sleep in until 6am today.
So, I got up and did my thing.  I REALLY love my coffee and writing routine in the morning.  It is actually something I prefer to sleeping, and that's saying something.  I continued my routine right to the gym, where I am more and more unable to tolerate dragging two big bags to the gym.  Today, I decided, I would upgrade. 
Anyway, at the gym, I really could take my time.  I didn't have to be anywhere until 1pm, so I did.  But that meant I took potty breaks and didn't wear down my muscles (tris and chest) like I should.  So I ended up doing lots of extra sets and just generally not making the best use of my time.  Although, the leisurely pace was a welcome change.  I even added 3 sets of bicep curls because I felt I robbed myself of them yesterday.
Speaking of yesterday, I forgot about a reward I gave myself!  Immediately after the gym, I went to meet someone to talk about personal development stuff (I LOVE THAT STUFF!).  Anyway, as I was sitting in Saint's shivering, all I could think about was how nice it would be to take a long hot shower.  Who would think that could be a reward???  But it totally was.  I think I had the best shower of my life yesterday!  Lol.  I was really cold to the bone.  That shower was fantastic.
Anyway, today my reward was a little shopping spree to get a new bag.  I also needed a new shirt, because after my shower, I realized I didn't bring a shirt for work.  Anyway.  I ended up getting a new bag, a shirt, a pair of pants, tights, socks and a towel.  It felt awesome.
I had a great day today and followed my plan even though people complained about my kale shake.  Which reminds me...need to buy more kale tonight.  :)

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