Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Day 22, Am I Really in Week 4?

Tuesdays and Thursdays are my long days because I teach until 9pm at night and that really kills any downtime I have before going to bed...but I'm doing my blog anyway.  I am SO AMAZED at how fast I am burning fat!!!  I have these awesomely muscly shoulders, and just today I noticed that I must have burnt an entire pound off of my butt!  It feels so amazing to make a decision to change something about yourself and then watch it happen.
I also managed to get AWESOME sleep last night.  Let's hope for that again tonight.
I turned a new leaf this week (seems to be happening a lot lately), and stopped pan-frying my cod.  It is delicious to pan-fry it in olive oil, and I thought a little fat actually HELPS burn fat, but Jamie Eason said absolutely DO NOT DO THIS.  Of course, Amy told me not to cook it in oil either, but for some reason I need to hear this message (or any message, for that sake) several times before it sinks in.  I can't tell you how many times Amy told me to lift weights, and I didn't.  Although I didn't know what to do.  Once I got my 12-week plan, I became a monster at lifting!!!
Anyway, I'm baking my cod now, and I'm even able to eat 5 times a day, although the last two meals are usually:  protein and kale shake, then just protein.  I don't know if that's the best arrangement.
I'm also thinking I need a new system for the gym in the morning.  I always bring in two bags:  One carries all my shower stuff, clothes, shoes, makeup and towel.  The other carries my purse, water bottle, muscle martini drink, eggs and oatmeal, headphones, and attachment for my phone.  I feel clunky coming to the gym with two huge bags and hit both doors on my way in.  I'm surprised I don't take somebody out as I walk down the walkway.  I'd like a sleeker bag...but let's face it, I'm carrying a lot of stuff, and I use it all!  I could rent a locker, but that wouldn't really solve the problem...I'd need to wash my towel, and I still need to bring food, drinks, and clothes every day.  I guess I'll sleep on it for now.

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