Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Day 2, learned so much!

It's past my bedtime, so I can't write much, but I will say that I finally learned the explanation as to why your body will not burn fat 48 hours after you drink alcohol. Tied in with that is why diet soda just ain't helping me out, even though I get a little boost from it. Short explanation is that the liver has 2 jobs: getting rid of harmful substances (alcohol, HFCS, aspartame) and burning fat, and is does not do them simultaneously. So, if it's tied up getting rid of neurotoxins and other crazy crap, your body will just keep that extra fat, TYVM.
So, for two days I have been able to say no to diet soda, almost as I was reaching for it.
I did a ton of food prep today: turkey muffins, chicken, sweet potatoes, cut up raw veggies, kale shake...may not sound like much, but it took forever AND I had to clean out the fridge!
I also managed to write my behavior checklist for the rest of the week so I can track and congratulate myself for successes. Like, today, for example when I managed to eat clean for the whole day! It took a lot of coaching to avoid the Wegman's brown sugar and cinnamon finishing butter on my sweet potato!
Which reminds me...
This week, and probably for the next 12 weeks, I will be practicing lots of self-discipline. I'm really excited to see this program through to the end. I don't have to do everything perfectly, I just have to FINISH STRONG!

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