Sunday, February 10, 2013

Day 41. It's late.

Tomorrow I can officially say I am halfway through Jamie Eason's 12 week program, and I am so proud of myself!  I can hardly believe it!

I'm up late tonight because, man!  My weekend just got away from me.  There are certain things I need to take care of on the weekends, like laundry, groceries, cooking and cleaning.  More importantly, I need to REST.  Every Friday finds me totally exhausted and wanting to be asleep by 7:30pm.  Sometimes, I actually get to do that.

I know that adequate sleep is probably one of the MOST important parts of this process.  Without it, cravings get out of control, motivation goes downhill, and morale just plummets.  So, this weekend, I tried to rest.  But I really felt like SOCIALIZING!  I did go to a Pets Come First wine-tasting event on Friday night, and I was worried that I would go overboard with the wine, but I didn't.  I did eat enough for a cheat meal that night, but I'm just taking it in stride.  Nobody goes through this program perfectly.

I was so tired Friday and Saturday night that I didn't even bother to blog.  That usually means I'm not doing very well.  But not this time!  I'm still on track.  Saturday, I spent 4 hours at the gym.  I'm not bragging, I'm actually thinking that it's excessive.  The way that my training schedule works, I do (and love) Hot Yoga Saturday mornings and I have no plans on giving it up.  I love it.  I also am slated for an hour of lifting and then half an hour on the treadmill.  By the time all was said and done, I'd put in 4 hours.

I guess I need to be careful this week, because I think I am near over-training territory.  I was unusually exhausted this weekend.  Anyway, I did get my laundry, dishes and cooking done.  I could have done more cleaning, but rest was more important.  So, for now, I'm going to watch the last ten minutes of this Breaking Bad episode, take a shower and go to bed.

HIIT training tomorrow!  And I've got to mix it up, I feel like my body is adapting to this Monday routine.

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