Friday, January 4, 2013

Day 5 I get to go to bed early!

Well, I am calling it a day.
I got terrible sleep again last night.  I think it's because my fan in my heater makes noise almost in a pattern but not quite, so (it's really pretty loud) must be in my sleep it startles me, and I just can't seem to get used to it.
Anyway, again, I can say that I am amazed at how much better my days are when I start it out with something I love, and then eat clean for the day.  Even though for three nights, I got 6 hours or less, I made it through my day just fine.

Speaking of starting out your day...this morning I got my body fat tested!  I expected it to be somewhere between 30-35% because I had a DEXA scan done when I was 27 and my body fat was 33% then.  I was horrified.  I couldn't imagine that it changed too drastically since then, since I am about the same size as I was then, if not a little heavier.

But, I measured a 28.5% body fat.  Now, I don't know if the calipers just measured low, but I'm not worried about it, because as long as the same professional measures you, you will measure the CHANGE accurately, and that's what I really care about.

I ate clean all day except for my coffee.  Today was the last day for the creamer in my coffee.  And I'm trying some new ideas lately.  When I noticed that I was in love with my suffering in relation to other people, meaning that I would cling to stories about how this person or that person hurt me or wronged me, I wanted to stop.  I wanted to stop being in love with my suffering.  Stop complaining.  Stop giving it energy.  Then, I realized that other things I cling to are my cheat meals.  I mean, I WAIT for them like I'm dying for it, I fantasize about what I'm going to eat, and you name it.  But I realized that I'm totally missing the bigger picture which is that my body LOVES eating clean.

I think this really sunk in for me when Maybelle was begging for food.  Yep.  I'm gonna write about my cat. ;)  Anyway, she gets dry food most of the time, and occasionally she gets wet food.  But whenever I make chicken or shrimp or cod, she begs for it like a maniac.  So, of course I feed her, and positively reinforce the begging.  Whatever, I don't care if that's bad cat etiquette, it doesn't bother me at all.

Anyway, what happens when Maybelle gets real, whole food is that within a matter of minutes after eating, she tears around the apartment absolutely crazed with energy.  And, I realized, that is EXACTLY HOW I FEEL WHEN I EAT CLEAN.

Now, there's something to be said for ENJOYING your cheat meal.  I will have my cheat meal this Sunday, and I will enjoy it.  But I have also been intentional about ENJOYING MY CLEAN MEALS.  It's hard to enjoy plain baked chicken when you're dreaming of Wegman's mac and cheese, but I'm getting there.  I need to do this, because at some point in my training, the cheat meals will fall away.  Probably in relatively short order.

So, I'm going to channel Amy here and say that I'm not white-knuckling it anymore.  I'm going forward with grace.
7:38pm...In case you're curious what I'm eating and doing at the gym, here was my schedule today:
Got up
8oz coffee with smidgen of French Vanilla coffee
2 egg whites
Did my morning pages, made my breakfast, packed my lunch, etc.
Drank Glutamine
Drank SuperPUMP!!!  (love that stuff)
Went to gym,  got body fat tested.  Finally met the guy that owns the gym.  He told me the calipers administer a little shock.  I believed him.  And, we had a nice giggle.  It was a charming way to break the ice considering I was in a tiny little tanning room with a man I've never met who is about to measure how much fat I have on my body.  I was just a little uncomfortable. ;)
Lifting routine.  A picture is at the bottom of the page.  If you can't read my writing, it's Day 4 of Jamie Eason's LiveFit plan on
Drank Muscle Martini
Ate 6 egg whites and 1/3 cup oatmeal (measured when dry). 
2 Turkey Muffins (Jamie Eason's recipe without the oatmeal-did this by mistake, but I like them better!)
8oz Kale shake
1 orange (totally not on the plan! Taking it with my iron for this week for better absorption, then I'm done with the oranges)
 5oz plain chicken
half a sweet potato
maybe a handful of raw veggies (broccoli, cucumber, spinach, red and green peppers)
6oz cod, pan-fried with Pam (haven't figured out a better way to cook this)
serving of raw, unsalted almonds
Drink Glutamine

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