Sunday, January 13, 2013

Day 13. Sustain.

I did a lot today. But not until I rested thoroughly.
I read a blog the other day about noticing recurring themes in our lives. One theme I've noticed and am actively working to change, is that I have, at times, quit before the finish line.
Now, there are also times when I finished. So, what I'm trying to do is figure out what happened when I failed to finish, and what worked when I did.
I know from experience that not getting enough sleep, going on any trips and not having enough downtime will all throw me.
Today, I articulated for myself that I gave to make this program SUSTAINABLE!
That's why I am practicing my phase three workouts so that I can plan for success.
Tonight, I'm up later than I should be, and I have less time than usual in the morning.
So. All I'm gonna say is I had my cheat meal at Faccia Luna-a little Caesar salads, some chicken parm, pasta, garlic bread and a slice of pizza. Then most of a cookie dough blizzard from DQ. I tried to really pay attention to "the rules" and I noticed that you stop having a foodgasm after maybe 5 to 7 bites. I can't say I followed all the rules perfectly, I think I ate too much...bc I wasn't hungry 3 hours later, and I never ended up eating another meal. That's ok, though. This is a learning process.
I ALSO treated myself to a shopping spree! I haven't gotten new workout pants in a LONG time. Anyway, I bought a bunch of stuff I've been needing to buy for a long time today, and that feels really good.

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