Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Week 7, Day 3. Let the countdown begin!

On August 11, I'll have my first opportunity to bare my belly in public. My niece is turning 1, and my brother and his girlfriend are throwing the party at Mt. Pisgah, the local pool and, in general, park, I guess.

Before I give off the wrong impression, I will not be showcasing my body and trying to steal the show at Sarà's birthday party. Not a chance.

The whole point of the operation is to set a deadline for myself to work toward.  I want to know what it feels like to be ok, or even proud, (in a pretty safe setting) wearing a bikini.

It feels good to have a deadline. I'll be doing a little experiment with myself to see if the deadline makes things better or worse.

For right now, several things are clear:
1) This is a no-fudge zone. I will set clear guidelines and follow them. Period.
2) I will work out every day. Before 7am. Some days I will double up.
3) Food is a no-brainer. Follow my plan. No excuses, no fudging.
4) This goal will be my number one priority.
5) I will drink Kale Shakes every day.
6) I will visualize my success before bed and upon awakening.
7) Bedtime will be a priority BEFORE writing.
8) I will have to say No to some things in order to achieve this goal.
9) I will reward myself for a job well done, daily, weekly, and at the END I will buy a new bikini.

Tomorrow is Day 37. The plan is to get up at 6am, go to the gym. Do intervals. Some pushups. Maybe some squats or something with my big muscle groups. Eat breakfast, write, go to work, get a reward for eating well and working out.

What should my reward be?
I've been DYING to play my piano for a week now. So I will prioritize 30 minutes of playing piano.

I don't think I'm going to post these to Facebook anymore. I think the accountability isn't really happening there anymore. Plus, I saw someone else link their blog to facebook, and I didn't like the way it felt, and I didn't read it anyway. It feels better to me to leave it here.

Alright, goodnight!

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