Thursday, May 24, 2012

Week 3, Day 4. I can go to bed now.

I did a great job today although I don't particularly feel like celebrating.  Work is piling up at work, and I feel like I'm never going to have the time to do it all.  Truth be told, I'm probably not.  I'm probably going to have to prioritize.

Anyway.  I had a GREAT start to my day!  I slept like a baby, like I knew I would, and woke up at 8am, although I did not exactly JUMP out of bed.  I hit snooze a few times and FINALLY got up for my FIRST HORSEBACK RIDING LESSON!

I must say, I've been TRYING to get up and work out before breakfast, but I guess I haven't found a reward good enough to ACTUALLY make me go to bed on time and get up on time.  There are SO MANY THINGS I WANT TO DO!  I would have to be in bed by 9:30pm and up at 5:30am.  One of these days, I'll have to do it and see how good it feels.  The reason I want to do it is because if you work out before breakfast, you will burn more calories all day're working out on an empty stomach and you're revving up your metabolism first thing.

All I really have to say is that my riding lesson was SO AWESOME!  As I was on the horse, I thought, "This is starting to feel like work.  I didn't come here to work.  Hmmm.  What else am I supposed to get out of this?"  The trainer is AMAZING.  She has this amazing connection with the animals.  I can't entirely describe it, but I HAVE GOT TO LEARN MORE ABOUT IT.  My riding lessons are rewards for sticking to my plan.  Hmmmm, maybe I should not reward myself if I don't get up and go to the gym.

I weighed in at 134.2lbs today (yesterday was 134.6) but I'm not going to get hung up on that.  I ate clean, and mostly at the right time, but I only got THREE meals in today.  The last one was at Green Bowl.  Chicken and vegetables.  Cooked in sesame oil.  I know I know.  I still call it clean.  I just fried my food, that's all.  I was careful about portions (of oil) at least!

Ok, yet again, I'm writing at the end of a day where I'm really tired.  I deserve a reward of some kind when I get home!  And I bet Maybelle is dying for some attention.  I can't believe on Monday night I'll be staying at Bald Eagle!  I'm so excited!  And I have a babysitter for Maybelle, so that's a relief.  Good night!

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