So, I chose today as my cheat day because I knew that I would be at a training all day and that we would likely be having a working lunch...which we kind of did.
In retrospect, I could have brought cooked chicken and raw broccoli to eat while everyone else ate what they provided, but I didn't have it prepared. As it turns out, it would have been better if I had done that, because as it was, I wasted some of my cheat day calories on a meal I wasn't really crazy about.
But I'm learning something about cheat days. I approach it as my opportunity to eat everything and anything in sight. To get my fill. But, doing that reinforces some kind of terrible cycle and frame of mind which is something like this: I deprive myself all week long and then on one day, I get to satisfy all those unfulfilled urges.
This will not help a person lose weight.
The mindset I'm trying to adopt is that MOST of the time, I should be eating lean protein, vegetables, and some fruit. Not because it's depriving, but because it's best for my body. My body feels GREAT on the days I eat clean. It's smelling food or seeing food that I know would taste SO GOOD that's difficult.
So, my meal of choice today was Chick-fil-a (if someone can tell me what the hell that's supposed to stand for, I would really appreciate it). But I knew I was probably over my limit of food for my cheat day, so I'm sure I'm gonna pay for it in terms of extra fat being stored on my body.
But I am ready for that challenge!!!
It's 7:54pm right now, and as soon as I finish this blog, I'll read a little, and then I'll go to bed. I'm tired already anyway.
I planned on going for a run tonight because it seemed like it would feel good, but it was raining out, so I decided to pass.
Instead, I fed my inner artist child and went to Michaels and then Lowes. I ended up buying a mirror for my apartment. I'm such a bachelor kind of girl. I don't decorate. I have the bare essentials. I'm never here ANYWAY! But, I wanted a mirror, so I got one.
It's simple, espresso finish (my favorite, goes with anything, no fuss), and all I had to do was hang it. Knowing that I've never hung anything that required any kind of skill before, I asked the people at Lowes "Can I hang this if the nails are already drilled into the wall? Because I'm not drilling any more nails in the wall. It's concrete. I've got to use what I've got. Oh, I can? Ok, all I have to do is move these little things around in the back of the mirror and screw them in? Ok great! Thanks!"
So I did that. And I had no idea how to gauge the thickness of the wood to ensure the nail didn't come out the other side. I didn't even think it was a possibility.
Oh. How upsetting when I turned the mirror over to see nails protruding through the pretty espresso finish of a mirror I bought no less than 30 minutes ago. Ruined.
But I didn't have long to be upset about it before I got an update about my friend whose son has leukemia and is currently undergoing some really unpleasant treatments.
I mean seriously, who has time to get upset about a mirror?
That's all I've got for you. Except that if you could help my friend out (she's the one who opened her home to keep Maybelle when I couldn't keep her at my place, and her whole family said yes at a moment's notice) please go to and click on the gofundme link and donate. DONATE! They really would appreciate the support, and they would do it for someone else in a heartbeat...they already have.
I would really appreciate it too. This breaks my heart to see them go through this. All we can do is help in ways we can. Most of us can donate something. Shout-out to Tracy and Christine who already have. :)
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