Well. Today has been quite a day. It started with me waking up feeling rather rested after not getting enough sleep for several days. So I got up, and promptly knocked all of the books, remotes, and, most importantly, my glasses off of the shelf on my loft bed (this means that my glasses fell 6 feet before they hit the floor and likely traveled. And I am lost without my glasses.
This set off a chain of unpleasant events. I could NOT find my glasses. They blend right in with the floor. I gave up looking for them after 20 minutes, and I decided to wear a pair of contacts for the day. Once I put the contacts in, I'd find my glasses anyway, so wins all the way around. Except that it never happened.
I'm not going to go into depth about the rest of the unpleasant events, but the first 3 hours of my day SUCKED.
The upside is that I no longer have a roommate (this was in the works, she finished moving out today), I followed my plan, and I got to have a cheat meal today! Yay!
I did fail to follow the rules somewhat, though. I went to Wegman's at 6:30pm (after visiting a very good friend and her family) and had some chinese and some mac and cheese. It must not have been too terribly much...oh, wait, it was just over a pound and I ate it all. Yikes.
I try not to get too excited about cheat meals anymore because I feel like that keeps me from adopting a healthier style of eating MOST of the time.
Anyway, then I had almost an entire container of Dibs (like mini-klondikes), then I had two drumsticks. Last one was at 10pm. So...that's TOTALLY not part of the plan.
I wasn't focused on my plan at the time. Tomorrow, I get to start with a whole new focus.
I forgot to mention that my entire body is so sore today that I seriously found it hard to walk...or move in general. That REALLY sucked when I was waiting tables. I just couldn't move FAST. Every time I tried, I could feel my abs kick in, and that hurt, and I could feel my inner thigh and hip flexor kick in, and THAT hurt, so I pretty much hobbled around and complained for the entire day. 10:30-5:30. I'm sure my co-workers LOVED it, haha.
I'm also a day behind on the book I started called The Artist's Way. Apparently it's a classic. I'm on week one. So, for now I'm gonna go to bed and try to squeeze every last drop out of tomorrow.
Oh, I weighed in at 132.2 today. Weight is fluctuating, but I'm detaching from it. The real progress is seen in how your clothes fit.
Consistent, clean eating at the correct times doesn't make for good primetime tv, but it DOES make you lose weight. So that's my mission!
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