Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Week 1, Day 1. I'm starting anew.

I tried to look at my old posts to figure out what week I would be in, but apparently I wasn't very accurate. In December, I said I was in Week 29, and in January, I said I was in Week 25. So, I'm starting fresh.
It makes sense to start fresh anyway. I've had a dozen starts that don't even last one day. Finally, FINALLY today I stayed on track. Amy helped me a lot.
I'm finding that I'm having a harder and harder time staying dedicated when I am around other people. It's like I abandon my goals and attend to the other people.
Lucky for me, my roommate went out of town for a couple of days and I got some serious alone time. I do need to figure out how to maintain my discipline around other people, but the timing for me to have the apartment all to myself was perfect.
I am really tired, which is why this isn't saying much.
I'm going to go to bed, and tomorrow my goal is to eat clean and go to Amy's class.

1 comment:

  1. I'm right there with you. It's been impossible, it seems, for me to get remotivated/stay on track the last two months. I'll be "good" for 1-3 days and then it all seems to unravel. I know it's not the right way to do things but sometimes I wish I was one of those people who STOPPED eating when stressed. Nope not me. Ahhhh love you girl keep trucking :)
