Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Week 23, Day 3! Could tomorrow be the day?

I had a great day today, and now I'm up too late. Way too late.
Long story short, I was damn near perfect today. The only exception was one cup of coffee. I am almost ready to make my goal no coffee. But not today.

Anyway, I weighed myself today, and I landed at 130.0lbs. So, I figure that it is completely possible that I will see the numbers 1-2-9 tomorrow. And if I do, that would be soooooo Amazing!!!

I forgot to mention that I also worked my tail off at Amy's class tonight. It was so intense!

Before I knew it I was 20 minutes into the class, and she had me do focused on form and what my body was doing, that I didn't have time to look at the clock.

I tried to remember  that the best athletes are the ones that can ignore the pain. I tried to push past it. I succeeded sometimes. And that's all that counts.

So...I'm finally going to bed. I meant to be in bed a lot sooner. I need to start making choices that honor bed time.

For now, good night!

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