Friday, July 1, 2011

Week Five, Day Five...I have to drink vinegar tonight :(

So, today I did alright.  I went to bed at a decent time last night (10:30pm) and fell right asleep and slept quite soundly until 4am or something.  I had to get up and pee, but then went back to bed and slept quite soundly again until 7am.  I tried hitting my snooze button, but Maybelle simply would not have it.

So, I got up and went for a run, and while on my run, I decided it would be a good day to do bear runs because of my meals being so messed up yesterday.  That felt great.  My legs didn't cramp up quite as badly, and I felt like I got a solid workout in before breakfast.

I did GREAT with all my meals today until 5pm rolled around.

I ate my first meal around 8:45am/9am, because of getting up at the time I did.  So, I ate my next meal at 12pm, my next meal at 2:30pm...and then...after work, I headed to the mall because I wanted to give Linsey her treat.  She's been choking down this protein shake that she hates like a champ, so I just mixed some of mine (that tastes like vanilla ice cream) to drop it off for her.

Only, I got really tired by that point in the day, and I was avoiding going home because I was afraid I would just fall asleep.

So, I hung out with Linsey at the mall for a little bit, shopped around target for my brother and his girlfriend's baby shower, got a couple of Thank You cards, and then headed to Wegman's.  It was around 7pm, and I hadn't eaten since 2:30pm.  I was starting to really get hungry, and I was really tired.

Here's where I made my mistake.  I somehow convinced myself that Luna Bars would be an acceptable snack to tide me over until I got home.  I looked at the wrapper, but was too impatient to read it.  When I got in the car, I had to have it NOW.  I got one that said Peanut Butter Cookie, and one that said S'mores.  I'm sure Amy would say, "YES! That sounds like a perfectly "clean" thing to eat!"

I started eating the Peanut Butter Cookie one and decided I should look to see how much sugar was in it.  11 grams.  Oops.  I looked at the ingredients.  Lots of processed stuff.  But I just couldn't seem to convince myself to stop eating it.  I convinced myself to slow down, just not stop.

Then, I thought...oh my god, if I had peanut butter right now, I would be eating it by the spoonful.  I realized, "Oh crap.  I need to buy peanut butter and rice cakes."  So, I headed back in the store...or rather DRAGGED myself back into Wegman's to get these two things.

I have to say, part of the reason it was easy to convince myself to eat the Luna Bars was because I was feeling sluggish and decided that my metabolism had probably slowed down because I hadn't eaten in awhile.  If I had more information, I bet I would have come up with a better "solution" than eating a LunaBar.

Because as soon as I got in the car, I couldn't save myself from the S'mores Luna Bar.  I tried to savor every bite.  If I was going to eat it, I figured I might as well let it be as satisfying as possible.

So, I'm finally home.  I did eat my fish meal (no more fat, there was plenty of that in the LunaBars), and now I'm utterly exhausted.  I'm going to let my food digest while I try to watch something on Netflix, and hopefully I'll be in bed by 10:30pm again tonight.  I need it!

For now, I'll drink my tea.  But, when I'm ready to go to bed, it's me and the vinegar, ROUND 2. 

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