Friday, June 10, 2011

Week Two, Day Five!

I am so glad today is over.

I went to bed late last night, just because I stayed up wasting time.  I started browsing the internet for nothing and kept it up way too long.  As a result, I was tired at work, and had a really hard time getting to the gym.  On the upside, though, I DID get to the gym.

Two highlights of my day:

1.)  I bought chicken from the farmer's market for the very first time.  And now I am even more convinced I should go vegetarian.

2.)  I made it to the gym and tried the interval training I've been doing with Paula on the treadmill.  It kicked my ass.  Then, I managed to squeak out 4 sets of pushups (still can't go all the way to the floor without falling flat on my face), and quite a nice series of abwork, if I might say so myself!

Here's the deal.  My nutritionist friend (not the one who's doing my diet), reminded me that the meat you buy in stores is quite likely filled with hormones and, well, all kinds of stuff you don't want to actually consume.  She says that if she's going to eat meat, she knows where it comes from.  I thought, "That's a half-vegetarian lifestyle I can live with...I think."  So I made it my goal that the next time I needed chicken, I would buy it from our local farmer's market.

Here's my only issue:  I want to handle the chicken AS LITTLE AS POSSIBLE.  How about, let's say...not at all?  Last time, I had "chicken breast tenders".  I flipped them out of their little carton onto the frying pan, and from the frying pan, I dumped them into the stock pot to boil.  Didn't have to touch 'em while they were raw. 

On my way there, I'm begging all that is holy for there to be the same convenience here.  Only...I know better.  But, I walk up to what appeared to be the ONLY stand that was selling chicken, and they had different cuts!  This was looking up:  "whole chicken", "chicken breasts" and other stuff I don't remember.  I'm like, PHEW!  No handling that nasty raw chicken for me.

So I ask for two breasts, which costs $14!  I'm like...hmm.  Something's off here.  She hands me, literally, the chests of two chickens, BOTH BREASTS CONNECTED, and THE BONE IS THERE!  What the eff am I supposed to do with this?  Ugh, to make matters worse, there are still little black...what must be follicles(?) stuck in the skin of the chicken.  I am officially grossed out.  I have never, not even as a kid, been ok with handling raw chicken.  GROSS.

I actually remember as a teenager, when someone killed a deer, we HAD to help cut up the deer.  I hated it.  I even asked once, "If I don't eat any of the meat, do I have to help?"  The answer, predictably, was, "YES."  Ugh.  It STINKS!  I didn't like it then, and I don't like it now.  I even considered bribing my ex to do it for me.

I will absolutely be eating less chicken if this is what I have to go through to eat it.

And, a thought just came to me, "Wow, you're a princess.  This is your biggest problem and you're crying about it?  Grow up.  You're lucky you have chicken.  Now shut up and bake it like Dawn told you to."

So I'll stop with the princess routine, but I'm not happy about this chicken situation at all.  I will be immediately seeking out protein substitutes.  I would rather drink human breast milk protein shakes than handle this chicken.

Speaking of food problems...I tried to thaw my flounder out by running cold water over it like I remember the cooks doing at the Gman.  But, for some stupid reason, I cut open the bag first.  Any of you who have done this before me knows what happens next.  The flounder cooks into mush.  Delicious mush, kind of, but I've definitely destroyed the texture.

And, I'm learning something about eating.  When the food isn't crazy appetizing, like hot wings or cupcakes or any other really fatty, salty, or sugary thing, you can gauge MUCH BETTER how hungry you really are.  Some people might say it's crazy to stop eating those kinds of (very enjoyable) food in place of something you could take or leave taste-wise, but it seems to me like it makes the most sense.  If you keep eating those very enjoyable foods, you get stuck in a cycle of eating more than you were hungry for, and you end up overweight, upset that you can't have the very enjoyable foods until you feel so deprived you that you just say "ah, fuck it" and drop your plan.  To me, that's crazy.  I guess it's all in what you really want.  What I really want is to be able to see my belly muscles once in my lifetime, wear a bikini a few more times at the shore (although that sixty-year old lady gave me hope that I have more than 5 bikini years left!), and occasionally enjoy those really enjoyable foods.

Although, I was just reading tonight that Jillian Micheal's Modus Operandi is to use a 1 to 10 scale.  1 being a superfood, like organic spinach, and 10 being something that will eventually kill you, like a McDonald's cheeseburger.  She never goes above a 5 or a 6.  So maybe there's something to just leaving certain foods alone.  Oprah's weight-loss coach, Bob Greene, also says that if you never stop drinking soda or diet soda, you never lose that craving for super-sweet food, and it just becomes a bigger obstacle for you.

Hm.  Something to consider.

Anyway, my second highlight of the day was that I FINALLY made it to the gym.  I screwed up the timing of my meals today.  I ate my second meal late...11:30am as opposed to 10am.  Then, I ate my third meal even later...3:30 instead of 2:30 (I had to adjust all my meals after my 11:30 meal to put 3 hours of space between), and then, at 5:30, I finally ate my fourth meal, which would have meant that my 5th meal would have some at 7:30pm...but it wasn't.

I left work at 6:30pm after eating and literally sitting in my chair, staring at the ceiling for a good 15 minutes. I was hoping maybe I would fall asleep or some other disaster would befall me so I didn't have to go to the gym.  Recognizing that this is NOT a recipe for success, I went on my merry little way home to run some errands (still not the gym).  I almost just went for a run at home, but then thought, "No, I know I just won't try that hard. Must go to gym."

So, after a whole lot of hemming and hawing, I arrived, tired and cranky, at the gym, at 8:00pm.  I'm never there that late.  So, I did the natural thing.  I sat down on the bench and started Facebooking.  Again, I suspected that this ALSO was not a recipe for success, so I got changed and tried to improve my attitude.

I really wanted to practice the moves that Kerry taught us in class last week so that I would have some muscle memory for the upcoming week, but someone was in the downstairs room, and I  felt weird sharing it with him, so I just hopped on a treadmill.

I really am proud of myself for sticking it out on the treadmill tonight, I really didn't want to.  (FYI, I just started to get a thunderstorm while I'm writing this!  Love it!)

I started out at a really slow pace for a warm-up...4.0mph.  Before long, I started to feel like I could actually manage a run.  So, I got up to my very normal pace of 5.0mph (12 minute miles), and ran there til I got bored.  Then, I thought, "Oh!  I'll use the 2min on, 1min off that Paula does!  That'll help my conditioning and get me an interval workout tonight!"  I did that for about 15 minutes.  2min at 5.5mph, 1min at 5.0, and at 15 minutes, I had to walk.  I must have really been working.  I walked for a good 5 minutes, and then started back up again.  I finished strong with 2min at 6.0, then my last cool-down 5 minutes.  All in all, I went over 3 miles, and burnt 366 calories!  I'll take it!

Then I did my pushups and abwork.

I also thought that maybe I should skip my last meal, since I wouldn't be eating it until 9pm at the earliest.  I texted Amy to ask her, and I thought she would tell me to eat the whole meal anyway.  But she didn't!  She told me to just have the protein.

So.  That was my day.  I'm really getting the hang of getting my food ready to go in the morning, every day.  It actually cuts down a huge amount of stress on "what am I going to have for breakfast, lunch, dinner?"  I already know.  And I look forward to it.  Usually, anyway. 

Here are the things I haven't mastered:
1)Getting up on time
2)Eating my meals on time
3)Going to bed on time
4)Exercising every day

So, with what's left of this week and next, I'm really going to focus on going to bed at 10pm, since that is really the biggest obstacle to all of those things up there!

With that being said, it's already 11:10pm, so I'm going to bed, and I get to enjoy this storm while I drift off!

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