Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Week Five, Day Two...Surviving My Birthday!!!

Ha, I didn't need any help surviving my birthday, but I gotta make this a quick blog because it's already 11pm, and I truly, truly need to be up at 6am and out the door.

In short, it was freakin' awesome.

I woke up...late.  Alarm went off for an hour while I hit snooze.  I finally went for a run around 9:15am.  Gah.  It was nice.  I decided to do 3 min run, one or two minute rest the whole time.  Probably ran/walked for 40 minutes.

I got back and told my landlord about the kitty situation.  It was very discouraging.  He told me I would have to move out and pay a $150 reassignment fee.  Then he told me how he *had to* sue some tenants because they kept 2 cats in a basement for 2 weeks and they destroyed the subfloor with urine.  Total costs:  $4000.  Yeah, he was definitely telling me that I could be facing consequences I can't handle.

Whatever.  I tried to make it to my kitty appointment on time-first vet visit!  But, I listened to my landlord talk for too long and ended up having to reschedule.  Then I started having serious doubts about keeping this kitten. I hope it will all work out, but I need a new apartment ASAP that is relatively low-cost.  I'm not having a whole lot of luck.  AND I have to hope that someone will want MY place, or else I have to pay the rent on that too.



I ate my breakfast at 10:35am.  3:35 hours later than I was supposed to.  Then, I had coffee with my dear friend Paula at 12:30-1:30, as she's leaving the country for good soon. :(
She surprised me with a GYMBOSS!  I am so thrilled!  I can start doing BodyRock workouts now! Not to mention, it is exactly the same as hers, so every time I use it, I will think of her.  This was such an awesome surprise and gift!

Then, I made plans with another dear friend for a celebratory cupcake...which was awesome.  Nice for catching up and she was the perfect person to indulge with.  She reminded me to ENJOY the cupcake.  Do not start thinking about how to burn it off.  This is the moment to enjoy.  It's amazing that two of my favorite people just dropped whatever they were doing to spend an hour with me at the drop of a hat today.  I'm thrilled and feel totally loved. :)

And, Amy was there every step of the way to tell me how to manage this special occasion.  I wasn't able to totally follow the guidelines, but just having her support was huge.  And she's on vacation!!!  I felt totally supported, and therefore able to indulge sensibly. 

Then, I managed to run home in time for a shower.  I quickly cooked my second meal and put together a third for my 4-9:30 work schedule. 

I also made time to run to Wegman's to buy Bragg's organic apple cider vinegar with the mother, because Amy told me it would be helpful to take a shot of it before I go to bed, and she'll explain how it helps when she's not on vacation because it's complicated.

When I got to work, it turned out that my class full of volunteers-in-training got together and decided to bring healthy food to class in celebration of my birthday!  So I had my third meal of vegetables and hummus (not sure if the hummus was "clean", strawberries and a fruit dip (?) spread (?) that was TOTALLY off my diet, which had mascarpone cheese, honey, and vanilla extract...but I swear to god that combination was BETTER than my cupcake!  I also had some grapes. 

I probably shouldn't have done that, but I didn't have very much, and I also don't feel deprived on my birthday, so I can move on to tomorrow and get back on track.

Finally, when class was over at 9pm, I came upstairs, and what was waiting for me but this:

One of my coworkers went out and bought me all these cat supplies because I had been talking earlier about how I wasn't sure it was the most responsible thing for me to keep her, even though I love her and she has really been great for my mental health.  I talked about the kitten stage being expensive for food and such.

What an awesome bunch of people I have in my life.

I am truly grateful.  Tonight just caps off a series of events that have been so helpful in the past few weeks.  I feel truly truly blessed to have so many great people in my life.

So.  Tomorrow, I am back on, 100%.  I must get to the gym by 6:15am.  Do bear runs on treadmill.  Come home by 7am.  Eat.  Shower.  Prep food.  Be at site for presentation by 8:15am.  8:30am at the latest.  Remember to eat my meals in a timely fashion.

Do strength-training of some kind AFTER work.  Really make this indulgence day count.

Good night all!

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