This was so exciting:
Here are the stats:
on 5/31: on 6/6:
Weight:146.5-----> 140.8-----> -5.7lbs
Bust: 40"------->38.25"-----> -1.75 inches
L Arm 11"------->11"---------> 0 inches
R Arm 11.5"----->11.25"------> -.25 inches
Chest 33"---------> 32.5"------> -.5 inches
Waist 38"--------->35.5"-------> -2.5 inches
Hips 39"----------> 38.5"------> -.5 inches
Butt 40"----------->39.5"------> -.5 inches
L Thigh 23.5"-----> 23"--------> -.5 inches
R Thigh 23.5"-----> 23"--------> -.5 inches
= -7 inches
Now, to explain how my day went.
The first awesome thing was that I found out I lost about 5 pounds. This is my daily breakdown:
You can imagine how excited I was to see 5 pounds off the scale for three days in a row!!!
I don't expect this next week to net another 5 pound weight loss. I've seen The Biggest Loser too many times to expect that!
Next, I made my breakfast. That has stayed the same, although Amy added 1/2 cup of blueberries to meal 2 and 4oz of yam to meal 3 (thanks to all that is holy!), and I could eat another salad for dinner, but I think if I eat two of those salads a day I will get sick of them super fast. Maybe not, but I resist eating the second salad. It's only 43 calories I'm NOT eating at the end of the day. It really can't hurt my metabolism that much.
And, while making my breakfast, I had another breakthrough. I made my oatmeal without it exploding in the microwave for THE FIRST TIME! Let me tell you what an ugly sight it is with me, in the morning, VERY HUNGRY, trying to make eggs and oatmeal at the same time, only to find it just exploded ALL OVER THE MICROWAVE. Not only do I have to start again, I also have to clean out the microwave. While I am starving, and not awake, and not drinking coffee. Grrrr.
But I figured it out today!
Anybody listening out there? I put my oatmeal (not the quick oats, I could make that with my Keurig), regular oatmeal in a bowl roughly 5 times larger than necessary. I microwave for one minute. I take it out of the microwave. Inspect. Microwave for 30 seconds. Perfect. No mess. Yay me! Stress-free mornings are coming my way.
I ate ALL OF MY MEALS ON TIME! Then I went to my Monday night Kerry class that I love so much. It kicked ass. All new moves, so that meant I was going slower, but sweat was pouring off of me just the same. I can feel my upper body getting stronger, which is SO. VERY. EXCITING. I am getting so much better at doing pushups and plank!
Did I say Kerry's class kicked my ass? I found myself ducking her tonight. Not that I HAVE to, if I wanted to not do the work, she would say, "Hey, it's your workout. You get out what you put in. Do what you want." But, I just WANT TO BE THE BEST LITTLE YOGA/PILATES/STRANGE EXERCISES STUDENT EVER! I think they call that codependency, and I'm working on it.
Anyway, she would have us doing 20 repetitions of something tough, and I'd peter out around 9, but then hear her voice turned to me and think, "Yikes! Get that leg up there! She can see you!" Then I realized that I CAN do the very thing I was telling myself I couldn't do. So much of exercise is mental.
Today, I could really see more definition in my arms. :) Wheeeeeeeeeee!
What also came with today was my first cravings for food other than what is on my list. My first feelings of giving up came today. When I got on the scale this morning and saw that my weight had not gone DOWN, but had stayed the same, I was immediately disappointed. And discouraged. And thought, "All that food I've been keeping track of and...oh is this even worth it?" Then I took a step back from that moment and realized that in a week, I've lost 5 pounds. At my weight, that's AWESOME, and it's probably not going to happen again.
I also felt discouragement when I got tired at work today. I thought, "This isn't working. Why do I bother?" I really had to pull myself out of it! I think it was more a function of being tired than anything. Turns out, I needed this:
Here are the stats:
Weight:146.5-----> 140.8-----> -5.7lbs
Bust: 40"------->38.25"-----> -1.75 inches
L Arm 11"------->11"---------> 0 inches
R Arm 11.5"----->11.25"------> -.25 inches
Chest 33"---------> 32.5"------> -.5 inches
Waist 38"--------->35.5"-------> -2.5 inches
Hips 39"----------> 38.5"------> -.5 inches
Butt 40"----------->39.5"------> -.5 inches
L Thigh 23.5"-----> 23"--------> -.5 inches
R Thigh 23.5"-----> 23"--------> -.5 inches
= -7 inches
Now, to explain how my day went.
The first awesome thing was that I found out I lost about 5 pounds. This is my daily breakdown:
You can imagine how excited I was to see 5 pounds off the scale for three days in a row!!!
I don't expect this next week to net another 5 pound weight loss. I've seen The Biggest Loser too many times to expect that!
Next, I made my breakfast. That has stayed the same, although Amy added 1/2 cup of blueberries to meal 2 and 4oz of yam to meal 3 (thanks to all that is holy!), and I could eat another salad for dinner, but I think if I eat two of those salads a day I will get sick of them super fast. Maybe not, but I resist eating the second salad. It's only 43 calories I'm NOT eating at the end of the day. It really can't hurt my metabolism that much.
And, while making my breakfast, I had another breakthrough. I made my oatmeal without it exploding in the microwave for THE FIRST TIME! Let me tell you what an ugly sight it is with me, in the morning, VERY HUNGRY, trying to make eggs and oatmeal at the same time, only to find it just exploded ALL OVER THE MICROWAVE. Not only do I have to start again, I also have to clean out the microwave. While I am starving, and not awake, and not drinking coffee. Grrrr.
But I figured it out today!
Anybody listening out there? I put my oatmeal (not the quick oats, I could make that with my Keurig), regular oatmeal in a bowl roughly 5 times larger than necessary. I microwave for one minute. I take it out of the microwave. Inspect. Microwave for 30 seconds. Perfect. No mess. Yay me! Stress-free mornings are coming my way.
I ate ALL OF MY MEALS ON TIME! Then I went to my Monday night Kerry class that I love so much. It kicked ass. All new moves, so that meant I was going slower, but sweat was pouring off of me just the same. I can feel my upper body getting stronger, which is SO. VERY. EXCITING. I am getting so much better at doing pushups and plank!
Did I say Kerry's class kicked my ass? I found myself ducking her tonight. Not that I HAVE to, if I wanted to not do the work, she would say, "Hey, it's your workout. You get out what you put in. Do what you want." But, I just WANT TO BE THE BEST LITTLE YOGA/PILATES/STRANGE EXERCISES STUDENT EVER! I think they call that codependency, and I'm working on it.
Anyway, she would have us doing 20 repetitions of something tough, and I'd peter out around 9, but then hear her voice turned to me and think, "Yikes! Get that leg up there! She can see you!" Then I realized that I CAN do the very thing I was telling myself I couldn't do. So much of exercise is mental.
Today, I could really see more definition in my arms. :) Wheeeeeeeeeee!
What also came with today was my first cravings for food other than what is on my list. My first feelings of giving up came today. When I got on the scale this morning and saw that my weight had not gone DOWN, but had stayed the same, I was immediately disappointed. And discouraged. And thought, "All that food I've been keeping track of and...oh is this even worth it?" Then I took a step back from that moment and realized that in a week, I've lost 5 pounds. At my weight, that's AWESOME, and it's probably not going to happen again.
I also felt discouragement when I got tired at work today. I thought, "This isn't working. Why do I bother?" I really had to pull myself out of it! I think it was more a function of being tired than anything. Turns out, I needed this:
Kerry said something tonight that flipped my discouragement switch off. While I was convincing myself I Just. Can't. Keep. Going! She said, "This works if you put the effort into it!" Something about her tone reminded me that I was giving up on myself. Mainly, that I had stopped believing that this is working. This is a familiar place. I believe it's not working, so I put in half-assed effort, which produces half-assed results, then I get frustrated and "forget" I had a goal. I wasn't doing the best work for myself. I was letting myself get ripped off by not leaving it all on the studio floor. So for the rest of the class, I tried my best. And, it gave me enough to reset and get ready to start over tomorrow.
And that's all I've got for you today, folks. I'm tired and I'm going to bed.
Oh, one last thing. I've been reading this book by Byron Katie called Loving What Is, and it basically breaks down the fact that when someone's behavior really bothers you, it usually has more to do with you than that person. I was a skeptical reader at first, even halfway through the book. Mainly because I am so convinced that if so-and-so would just do a, b, and c, then for God's sake this problem would be solved (!!!!), that I don't want to admit that perhaps the problem lies within me. It's a nice little treat at the end of the night, because it's allowing my focus to stay on myself and my goals, and not worry about other people's problems. I tend to do that whether they like it or not. So, that's pretty freeing.
And now I'm going to go do exactly that. :)
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