Sunday, June 30, 2013


I am committing to 12 weeks of eating clean and following a workout routine to get in the best shape of my life. Starting tomorrow. 
My biggest obstacle, I've found, is that I doubt that I can actually eat clean for twelve weeks and follow a plan for twelve weeks...and on top of that, I doubt that I will get the results that I want. So I don't give it 110%. 

But, I've had a few realizations lately that are helping me overcome these walls I've put up. One is that no one is just effortlessly fit. People make choices and I am no different. I know I will need to resist strong cravings, even when my brain plays tricks on me. I know that sometimes, it's gonna suck. 

But I also know that achieving the goal of sticking with a plan for twelve solid weeks will leave me feeling more confident than ever, and will leave me much fitter than I am right now. 

I want to finish this summer with a tan in a bikini. 

I will finish this summer in a bikini.